Life provides endless opportunities for us to help individuals, teams and organizations to grow more than they may have imagined possible. With the knowledge that many 20th century businesses failed to mitigate the negative externalities of their work, we try to do our small part in making sure 21st century businesses make the most of opportunities to create positive externalities, making a constructive impact on local communities, wider society, global issues and the environment.
Our commitment to creating positive growth extends to the communities we came from and live in.
We aim to mirror the impact we make in business with a positive impact on society.
We are conscious that our work has an environmental impact. We measure and limit our carbon footprint and take measures to offset our consumption.
We have pledged to make annual contributions to high impact causes around the world.
Wheelchair rugby
Lyle Alexander Consulting is proud to sponsor the Ospreys Wheelchair Rugby Team. We thank them for bearing our name as a team of exceptional individuals in the part of the world where our founder spent his childhood. The team shows the community he grew up in that where some people perceive limits, others see infinite possibilities for flourishing.
Thank you also to Sponsor Our Club for making this possible.
Ospreys Team Mates
carbon footprint
Lyle Alexander Consulting is a green business making full use of remote working advantages to the environment. We use zero paper, take up no extra land or real estate for commercial purposes, do not commute and require very limited business travel. In 2022, we expect our carbon footprint not to exceed 0.56 tons of Co2 or 0.14 tons/employee. This is 96.3% lower per employee than Goldman Sachs for their own workforce reported in 2020.
giving what we can to effective charities
We believe that businesses can play an impactful role in solving some of the biggest and most intractable problems facing our species. Human empathy is an evolved trait that was not forged in the global circumstance we find ourselves in today so we should not be surprised that it falls short of the challenge. Charitable, philanthropic and even altruistic efforts are skewed by human emotions that were calibrated over millions of years for tribal survival.
Dr. Toby Ord, “Research shows that the best charities can have at least ten times the social impact of the typical charity, and hundreds of times as much as less effective charities. By finding outstanding giving opportunities we can make a significant difference to many more lives than we otherwise would.”
In order to make the most effective impact, we have taken the Giving What We Can Pledge to help causes that maximize the positive impact we make with our donations.